Wednesday, 13 February 2013

Latest cookie cutters

I have recently been on a cookie cutter spree. I've bought robots, tennis rackets, Christmas sale things. But I particularly wanted a little hippo to add to my animal collection. I didn't know the exact dimensions when I ordered it. Here he is:

Rather cute. And here he is next to a dog I bought at the behest of my daughter:

He's a bit small, as you can see. I decided to get a coin, to provide a sense of scale, and started playing with him. 

When you spend a lot of time alone in the kitchen, they become your friends. And although I do admit to talking to them sometimes, so far they haven't started talking back to me, which is a good thing, isn't it?


  1. Thanks for the smile. Does baby hippo have a name yet?!

  2. He does indeed. It's 'Ridiculously Small Hippo' :-)

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